2 decisions I regret

2 months ago 48

When I was like 13 I went on this summer camping trip with a bunch of other kids. We hiked for 2 days up and down a mountain. The problem was, I forgot my water at home. As soon as I realized that I forgot it, I should have just refused to go on the trip. I was sweltering hot outside. I had to beg everyone for tiny sips of water the whole time. Looking back, I could have died if they didn’t give me anything. You can’t go hiking in the heat like that for 2 days with no water. It’s not like it was my choice, needless to say I wasn’t very popular with anyone. That whole trip was beyond miserable. The extreme miserable thirst combined with the shame of having to beg everyone who hated me.

The other one was when I was a couple years older, and I tried to dance with this girl. I don’t know why but her harsh rejection of dancing with her hit me to the core. Even to this day I absolutely hate dancing. I often see people having so much fun dancing and wish I could participate but I just dread it. I don’t enjoy it at all, and I think it’s directly related to that one instance.

I usually say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger but these are 2 cases where my self esteem was driven into the dirt and decades later hasn’t recovered.

submitted by /u/alcoyot
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