You have 74 seasons

2 months ago 26

Average sure some live longer but your chances of living to 100 are extremely slim sorry to disappoint.

Right so you take work away from those 74 seasons then u take sleep away

So how much time do u really have here

If u have a job u like well its probably to a certain extent more play than work.

Your not waking up to a 7am alarm clock to push snooze n wish u could stay in bed instead of getting up to go sit in traffic to commute to a job to go make someone richer

We are riddled with fear not fear itself but fear of others judgement n this to many ruins Iives not direct just a long slow decay

So if u think when u die all those who u fear of their judgment will likely be dead to then in several generations no one will even know who u or those who u fear their Judgement even are You will all be long forgotten as Alex Hermozi said.

It's deep asf

submitted by /u/PrudentPotential729
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