Worried about future

2 months ago 30

It's not secret that capitalism is ruining life for a lottttt of people. It's all about turning a profit for shareholders and that's literally all that matters. Inflation sucks as it is but then when companies take a decent food or product and take short cuts to save money which ruins the integrity of the original product that just really upsets me. And it's everything and everywhere. From toys for kids, food, material to build houses, clothes. Like when does it end?? Everything is getting made cheaper and sold for more money. And dont get me started on housing/rent. Rent in my LCOL area is insane. Yes I said LCOL and it's still 1200+ for an 800sqft dinky appt. But in 5 years, 10 years what might that look like? It can't possibly keep going up but rents never go down. As an anxious person, I just feel so defeated looking into the future. Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

ETA i know my thoughts aren't unique and everyone is feeling the results of capitalism but wondering if anyone smarter than me has any optimism for our economy. I just don't see how it can keep on in this direction

submitted by /u/chocolatedix
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