Wishing I hadn’t moved

3 months ago 43

Long story short, I moved to a different state about 15 months ago. Sold my house and moved in with my partner. It was all planned and not rushed at all. I had been wanting to move for a long time and everything seemed to just come together. Well, I miss my house and my old state tremendously. I feel like I’m not where I belong or went to. I had no idea how my life would change until I actually experienced it. My counselor says it’s the type of thing you can’t know until you actually do it. So while I don’t necessarily regret it, I do wish I could reverse it. Currently I’m trying to find a house and will move back once I do. But my former house was perfect in so many ways and it’s hard finding one I like where I want to be. You may think I should have kept my house until I was sure. But that was something we discussed and it seemed like a burden and would have stressed me out to be away from it. Plus I never in a million years expected to want to go back. This has all been a learning and growing experience. Has anyone else made a big decision like this and then wished you could get your old life back? Sometimes I wake up panicked and stressed. It really sucks this didn’t work out like I was expecting it to.

submitted by /u/Initial_Ebb_9742
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