Will guys usually always say yes to being intimate?

2 months ago 219

I'm 23F and i met this attractive guy 34M in my corporate office building a month ago. We work for different companies. He didn't ask me for my number at first, and our conversations were rather super polite. We would say hi to each other whenever we get the chance, and the fourth time I saw him in the elevator, he asked for my number. We've been talking but not consistently, our texts are rather more formal than how most 20 something year olds would text. Recently, he asked to hang out. I asked him what that meant and I straight up asked him if he wanted to hookup and he said yes. So, I said ok. To be quite honest, I just got out of a breakup 4 months ago but I'm completely over my ex and I wanted some sort of fun in my life so I thought why not? To be honest again, I'm the type of girl who is very outgoing, super sweet, but also super calm. I get insecure but people tell me I'm pretty and that I have the 'looks'. I have many guys come up to me often. I really want to be intimate with him because I'm honestly falling for him so quickly but it is just a hookup so I'm not expecting anything more than that- I'm sure he's just wanting to have fun too. But I'm really hoping this happens soon... like, will a guy ever say no to sex?

submitted by /u/Choice_Sir_3200
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