Wikipedia is Propaganda Central

3 months ago 43

I personally think that Wikipedia has been taken over by the elite and is now tasked with shaping the public’s thinking in line with their thinking on every issue. It’s been set up as a mass-communication device that will communicate in one direction only — from the ruling elite to the people they rule.

One example of their bias is their information on the destruction of World Trader Centre 7 which any rationally-minded person will say was a controlled demolition; something Wikipedia and the US government vehemently deny.

If Wikipedia’s primary purpose and function is to promote the ideas that it’s instructed to promote by its elite masters, it’s simply an illusion to think of it (as many people around the world do) as being concerned with conveying the truth about anything.

One commentator on the website ZeroHedge says: “Wikipedia is the authority — Facebook is the operation; that means that they have been working hard to create a disinformation system so intelligent it’s disguised as a ‘free open sourced encyclopedia’ that anyone can edit. Nothing can be further from the truth. Wikipedia is a tool of the establishment to suppress free speech and defame political opponents. It’s a tool for big business to control information on controversial products, such as drugs that can have fatal health impacts”.

submitted by /u/QuetzalcoatlReturns
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