Wife and I decided to move and now I am worried about it

2 weeks ago 27

My wife and I currently live in NJ, we moved here 7 years ago from a South American country, I was transferred for work and after a year my wife also got a job in her field.

At the beginning of January my green card was approved and with that I saw myself with the opportunity to apply for new jobs, I got a job at a big tech but HATED the work, after working for them for 8 months I got an offer to work for an old client that I knew and I really liked to work for, this is when the insecurity begins.

Before applying to that job I spoke to my wife because it would involve moving to Michigan, we came to the conclusion that she was also not happy in her current job and, since we have no strings attached to NJ, it would be a good idea for a “clean start” for the both of us, so I applied and got the job!

Now that we are about to move, it seems like there are not a lot of roles opened in her field in Michigan, seems like the roles are plenty in NJ. I started to feel guilt as we made the decision based on my frustration feelings at that point in time. I am afraid she won’t get a job and that will affect her too much.

In the back of my mind I feel we can always move back to NJ, or even back to outer country but this insecurity is taking my sleep at night.

She is 29 and I am afraid a possible 1 year gap could affect her career.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/Tech_Guy_3000
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