What are your weird but real pet peeves?

12 hours ago 4

You know those little things that shouldn't bother you but somehow make your brain short-circuit with frustration? Not the big, obvious annoyances—I'm talking about the weirdly specific ones that make you question if you're just built differently.

For me:

  • When someone asks a question, then immediately rephrases it before I can answer—like, let my brain process, please.
  • The way people dramatically sigh before saying something they clearly wanted to say.
  • When a video says, "Watch till the end!" and the "big moment" is... painfully underwhelming.
  • Seeing a grocery store line moving slightly faster than mine and regretting all my life choices.
  • People saying "fun fact" and then stating something neither fun nor a fact.

Am I alone in this?

submitted by /u/Secret_Ostrich_1307
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