Why you should be chill about the worst life situations:

2 months ago 43

If we just look from a different perspective we'll see that to anything bad there is always something worse and there is no limits to the worse and the better. Schizophrenia more often happens not because your situation is bad, but more because you percieve it as inescapable. Look at my situation: I'm a recovering porn and drug addict which has no friends and had high social anxiety(yeah ik social anxiety is fucking dumb) in the past which was the reason for bad grades and drug abuse. I have no past and no knowlege and i have to gain it all throughout hard work now when i just could start a lot earlier and there wouldn't be any problems. If we look from this perspective my situation is pretty bad, yeah. But if we just change our view on the situation. I'm only 16, i have above average intelligence, i play chess well, I'm 5'11, i have a house, a phone, laptop, internet, I don't have any health issues, my parents are alive and many other things which we often do not include when thinking about the situation we are in. Just realise the fact that all those things you think will never and cannot be taken from you, oh they can (often not will) be taken from you. Even if you're homeless guy on the streets dying of hunger, just think about animals, they almost every day fight for their life, their brains aren't letting them to do things we can do effortlessly. If you see only opportunities, you can overcome any situation i believe, especially in the time when there are not too many actual life threating events happening. I see mistakes only as great opportunities to learn. Don't think to much about the problem, find the solution.

submitted by /u/AsparagusCute2435
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