Idk what to do with my future

3 hours ago 4

As soon as I got out of high school I was planning on being an electrician but further into my pre apprenticeship I’ve realized there are a lot of stuff I don’t know if I’d happy down the road with doing and I’ve seen others opinions on it and I would have the exact same response and issues. I’ve really questioned lately if I’d be happy with this path, the benefits are good and the pay is good for the most part, but I don’t think I’d be happy doing that for the next 40 something years. I have no idea what else I can do, I’m nowhere near smart enough to apply for a college or think about going into a college but maybe a community college because my entire high school time was me barely getting by and even failing some classes. I have some hobbies like fashion and sewing and my original plan was to start a business with hvac and electrical stuff but like I said idk if I’d be happy doing that for the rest of my life. I don’t know what I could do at this point and my parents are so proud of me now that I’m gonna do this but idk if it’s right for me.

submitted by /u/Accurate-Dentist-365
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