Why people deny to be visual like everyone else?

2 months ago 27

It's so sad seeing so many people struggling in dating.. and the truth is just one, they are not enough. I don't care what people say about "rizz", "game", "personality"; are people that oblivious or they pretend to be? You can see a lot of hot people with shit personality having no trouble in dating. Instead the opposite is really hard to find. It's not being shallow, it's that humans are visual.. people that are lefting you 90% of time are doing so because they can do better (In normal circumstances, i don't talk about abusive relationships ofc.. but even there, somehow it's not an instat deal breaking...)

Why is this denied? Why people are like "just smile", "Noo! It's the approach!", "the confidence", etc. I mean, of course if you act like a jerk you could end up being rejected because people would think that you are just getting your way, stepping on them if necessary (Like having sex and then ghosting), and that could be true for men just as for women (i mean, a man would be afraid mostly the women is seeking attention only or getting something paid, or leaving the man in a blink). You have more chances in dating by improving your looks than improving everything else, unless everything else is really bad, like if you live under a bridge.

you might see people getting more chances in dating due their behaviour change or maybe by getting therapy (example), but you see many more people having more chances after they improved their looks.. and when gym and haircut are not enough, i guess cosmetic surgery is the way if done with intelligence. Now, how many good people -but not super hot- are getting relationships or intimacy with others? Then how many good looking jerks have all that?

Idk, maybe this is one of those cases of "you perveive the reality that is according to your mind", but there asre so many subs on reddit with people lamenting theyir gf saying their bf's freind is taller and more awesome than them (bf), or girls complaining about their bf have to share their bed for a female friend during a trip for then not texting them for hours. It's more like becoming self aware

submitted by /u/last_plum69
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