Why is it so tiring to figure out this thing called "LIFE" ?

2 hours ago 3

I'm so tired from overthinking and living in rut, like life still goes on as if time is never going to wait on anyone. So many times I feel this as if my body is in 2025 but the mind is in 2016. Like almost a decade back. Every now and then, my mind goes backwards because I haven't achieved my goals. I don't know what is the mind trying to do. Sometimes when I compare my life to someone else, I blame myself more. I don't even call it's unfair anymore because I believe deep down that if I'm not even ready to have this life and actively trying to work for it how can the universe bless me. Maybe is not written in my destiny. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me first overcome your fears that you have been avoiding. But I don't know this thing called "life" is really really confusing. And I have no clue how are people asking so casually oh so what do you want from life. You have to be clear of your intentions. The thing is if humans come in this earth with nothing and also leave with nothing what is all the Hussle and fussle of working hard and chasing. I don't understand this life system

submitted by /u/Aj100rise
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