How to move away with basically nothing ( no money, car, resources)?

3 hours ago 5

I’m 21 years old (female) and I’m not thriving here in my home town. It’s small and opportunities are minimal especially when you don’t know anyone to help you. I’ve known for a long time that even though this place is my home it’s not where I’m meant to be. I’ve been through so much and a lot has held me back from leaving. Mainly family issues and money but honestly fear has been the biggest factor. It’s paralyzed me to stay put in familiarity.

Being afraid of failing, judged, and rejected has prevented me from doing a lot in my life and I’m tired of letting it control me. I want to make the life I live vicariously through others be reality for me but I’m stuck on the how. I don’t come from money. Finding a job has been so hard even trying to get hired at fast food places has been difficult. Around here you have to know someone or be related or of the “appropriate race” to even be considered for an interview.

Another main point is I have no clue what I want to do career wise. I’ve never truly experienced the world. I’ve never really traveled outside my town. I hardly ever left the house growing up. Every career option I considered I found some reason for why I shouldn’t. Family pressured me to go to college but my thought process was why when I didn’t know what I would pursue. I got an Associates degree in business administration last year. Haven’t found any luck trying to get a receptionist/admin job around or remote. I know in my gut that leaving here will be beneficial for me. There is so much I want to do, see, and experience in this life but I don’t know how. I don’t know the answers to the biggest question I have which is how.

How can I be better than I was yesterday? How can I help myself now so that future me is secure? How can I find happiness in every aspect of my life? How can I remove myself from the hole I call my safe place that’s been confined by fear to keep me stuck?

I don’t know the answers or maybe I do and because I can’t control the outcome of taking chances on myself I keep it hidden somewhere in my mind. Idk. I’ve looked at many things like internships, abroad programs, etc but I really don’t have the means to financially. I’m from a small town so volunteer work and opportunities like these aren’t available to me along with a lot of other things.

All I do know is I’m ready to try even if I fail. I’m tired of making excuses as to why I can’t.

I just feel in my heart that it’s time to go elsewhere to live and find work. Where? I have the slightest clue. Seattle has been on my mind a lot this past year. Maybe there’s something for me there. But financially don’t know if it’s the right move.

Even though I’m not sure if Business Administration is the right career choice for me I want to give it a go anyways and start here.

If you have any advice or resource recommendations to give it would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou!

submitted by /u/First_Flatworm2620
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