Why do older people tell you 26 is still early In life? Im 26 and feel like I’ve squandered so much. Older people make it seem like you still have time. Is 26 still an age you can fix things for the better?

7 hours ago 6

Went to go get a haircut, guy in the chair next to me was talking about retirement. He looked to me and asked about what I do. Told him I’m a pharmacist looking for a better job.

I told him I’m struggling in life and probably won’t have anything by the time I retire. I told him I was 26 and losing key years. He literally laughed so hard, his barber jumped. He told me I’m still a “baby” and can fix my life.

I just find this so hard to believe. I lose sleep at night thinking of if I will ever get a better paying job that I will enjoy more, thinking of if I will become fit with all the dieting and exercise. Thinking of if I’ll ever find a woman who will take a leap of faith and agree to date me.

Because right now I’m just a loser with a dumb job, who’s fat and a virgin. Someone who has no value to society. And will honestly never be able to afford a house or have a family because I wasted too many years.

Is 26 still relatively young age to fix life?

submitted by /u/ConfusedLad990
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