Why are older people so negative?

3 months ago 41

I am just curious, not that I am being judgmental but I have noticed a pattern. I am 28 for context, and as I have met people through life and more recently through work, I have noticed older people seem to only focus on the bad things or sad stuff. It is like the older they are, they only get to talk about the accidents, or bad things younger ones do, as opposed to when I tend to have a conversation with someone younger, the conversations focus more on time, or being productive or money. Every time I talk to my father in law or the ladies at work, it is always someone got hurt, or a car crashed or their life is miserable (including their own children or family). I have yet to notice something positive in their conversations. Can anyone explain why? Thank you from a curious person.

submitted by /u/Ok_Ocelot_106
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