Who else watched way too many horror movies far too young?

2 months ago 39

I have an older brother and when I was young, around 7 , 8 I started looking horror movies with him and his friends.

OMG, it did me no good, I had the craziest nightmares you can imagine, it took me many, many years and a lot of work with fear to slowly recover from it.

I become so afraid and paranoid because of that that I had to engage with it intensively.

I was always making fun of this old warnings in the movie about the age restrictions. I remember there was a red banner for only 18+, that was the one that made me most excited.

The horror movies that are still in my memory form the 90s:
- Jason & Freddie Krueger
- chucky the doll
- Scream
- I know what you did last summer
- blair witch project
- sleepy hollow

Its a little bid funny but also not :D Since many, many years I stopped watching horror movies completely.

Would love to hear how it was for you and how you dealt with it ?

submitted by /u/Ecstatic-Discount510
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