Who else feels they reached a “dead end”?

2 months ago 28

Like seriously, I’m in college, my life is supposed to consist of studies, working part time, and being social, right? I’m struggling with every single aspect in life right now, college, and jobs included. I can’t even find a place to work that will treat their employees right and will give me a schedule I need. And there’s literally no other jobs available that would be any better. Part time jobs are dead beat. And I just got some life changing news that might either force me to have to work full time while going to school, or just drop all other and make do with what I got. It just sucks. And even if I go work full time for a company, it’s gonna suck too. I have 2 grand saved up and I’m trying to build it back up, but I literally can’t, just can’t. Every time I try and feel like I can save again, I get screwed over some how. Everything is just so awful right now and I’m seriously clueless how ANYONE is surviving right now…

submitted by /u/DuhForestTyme216
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