When you don't report crime nor prosecute you get lower crime rate stats. Doesn't mean it's not happening at a high rate.

2 months ago 35
When you don't report crime nor prosecute you get lower crime rate stats. Doesn't mean it's not happening at a high rate.

Its always comical to me the statistics part of things being brought up. When we know damn we'll democrat ran cities don't report crime. Of course if you don't report or prosecute crime the stats will be untruthful. They are rigged stats. Then democrats and high figure like Nate Silver justify it with stats that are completely bullshit and underreported and not how society feels. If policing isn't effective and assertive, the crime stats don't mean anything.

Its like the economy lie. According to statistics Americans have never had a better economy. Yet majority of people know deep down the economy sucks and honest people know it was better in 2016-2020 than 2021-2025.

The reason why is because the economy stats are wrong. The economy is peoples daily life. How people feel in terms of their household and whether or not the average person can afford things. The statistics attempt to give quantifiable data to a non-quantifiable thing which is essence makes them BS.

If the stats and data doesn't match how society is feeling with say crime and the economy than the data is simply wrong. It's like California and how California goverment officials said crime is getting better and much lower under their laws. Yet the second that a measure was on the ballot to increase penalties for theft and reverse a dumb policy it got voted for overwhelmingly lmfao.

So, yes the data is 100% wrong. It's like the polls on how Americans feel about certain issues and how they are always wrong. Lol

submitted by /u/Curse06
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