When people make you their problem instead of talking to you

2 months ago 31

"Sorry, I can't deal with you right now".

Sorry, what do you mean, you can't deal with me? I'm not insane, and if I piss you off, you deserve it.

Do you mean you can't deal with anything right now?

Because that's a YOU problem, not me.

Do you disagree with me?

No shit, Sherlock, that's why I'm arguing with you.

Do you think I'm being too harsh?

Then say that, instead of making out that I'm a problem instead of a person.

Are you trying to make me look bad in front of other people?

Then 2 or more can play at that game, so you've just giving me ammunition to be harsher towards you for my own self defense.

submitted by /u/GarageIndependent114
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