When I will eventually cease to exist nobody will miss me

3 months ago 40

For the reason that I have no clue how to form deep meaningful connections. Once my immediate family members pass away I picture that I will have nobody left who will truly love me (ig apart from siblings or cousins). I think the problem is that it's very hard for me to truly feel for a person, I don't know how to give love or if I even have any to give. And even if I develop a good enough personality I fear that those people will love whatever that personality is and not the real me , whatever that is anymore.

And this wouldn't be a bad thing if I didn't deep down yearn for a connection but I do. I wish I could just flip a switch and just live with no human contact whatsoever but I cant. Somedays I'm ok with this but other days I am not. The good news is that in a few days I will return home from college and just play xbox all thanksgiving break. I won't feel nearly as lonely with video games

submitted by /u/Key-Opinion-1700
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