When I was growing up, if you ate 1200 calories a day you'd be called anorexic, but now with Ozempic 1200 is suddenly fine

2 months ago 32

There was a lot of attention on girls restricting their eating and how unhealthy it was to eat too little and get too skinny. If a girl in 2005 had gone from chubby to skinny by eating 1200 calories a day she could have been put in an inpatient psych ward, or at least would have been lectured heavily and sent to therapy. There were so many TV shows and PSAs and magazine articles, so much attention was given to how bad it was.

But now it's totally fine to take Ozempic and eat 1200 calories a day,.in fact it's being promoted as being healthy to do this

Well, which is it? If one of them is/was a lie, why did/do they lie?

submitted by /u/MostlyPeacfulPndemic
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