When does appreciation from working hard pay off?

2 months ago 62

I’m 22(F) and I’ve worked for everything I’ve have from a crappy job. Absolutely everything but it feels like nothing nor worth my while. I don’t appreciate everything I’ve worked for mainly because I have to work the rest of my life while I honestly want to sleep and never wake up. I don’t appreciate anything that I’ve worked hard at this point because I have shit insurance that doesn’t cover therapy, every electronic I own, paid for school on my own, didn’t even feel excited when I got my own car at 20, and now I wonder if that’s what life is. Working. People tell me “meaningful things or experiences” are worth working but I don’t believe that since everything cost money. I’m wondering when will I ever appreciate the things I’ve worked for and feel rewarded when I feel absolutely nothing towards the things I accomplished.

submitted by /u/No-Albatross182
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