What to do with my life / knowledge... What to study???

3 months ago 35

Hello everyone, hope you're doing great! :)

Hope this is the right subreddit for asking this 🐢

I am finishing school, and naturally many people have asked me what will I study in university... I don't know. Nothing new, right?

But in the question about what to study, I have questioned myself: Do I really want to study something?

Don't get me wrong!! I'm not saying by any means that university isn't necessary.

I just love learning :) . But learning of almost anything, I don't want to get specialized in just one area. I know I can't grasp everything in existence, but that doesn't mean I can't be eager to learn as much as I can. I love reading, reading of many many topics. That doesn't mean I am super intelligent either, I am a normal person willing to learn. :)

I have seen many people studying something, and not doing what they studied, people that have told me that what they actually know is because what the do. And this last point is a crucial one for me. Experience, I believe, is one of the most effective ways to learn about life, to gain knowledge in practical terms. Books, experiences... And others. To see others, to listen them, everyone has something to teach. Because I believe it is why I'm in this forum 🙂

Anyways... what should I do?? It's so hard to decide. I'm conscious that no one of you have the final answer, just me, but your different answers could give me some general insights, could help me to synthesize the "solution". I want to read everything, travel everywhere, work as anything; enjoy the youth I have with experience. But I don't know, I don't know!! To be honest, I feel I bit uneasy with not studying something, because it could entail in me not learning enough, falling into an abysm of ignorance and jobs that don't enrich my life knowledge at all.

Wow, I finished quite sad after writing this. Not being sure about the future, that uncertainty, is not easy to deal with... Well, I still have hope in Knowledge, in the others, in life 🌹🐧

Thank you very much for your answers!!!!

submitted by /u/Sweet_Locksmith4434
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