What more can I do?

2 months ago 33

I (m28) have been doing everything I can to better myself for several years, but can’t make it over the feeling of not being or doing enough. Ive completed all the bs advice like get a six pack and you’ll feel better, aswell as all the generic bettering yourself advice.

I’m a top 1% financial earner for an American, own businesses, patents/inventions, go to the gym, train Muay Thai and bjj, tall and goodlooking, raising a beautiful and healthy family of three kids, and still can’t shake the feeling . I put on a face for my family, which makes me sad for them that I can’t be my best self for them.

What more can I do to better myself? Or should/how do I learn to just be grateful and not feel the way I do now?

I had a really traumatic upbringing and parents but I can’t blame that forever. Both my brother and two best friends have died and it’s tough not having my friends and “group” essentially. Can’t blame that any longer either. Was homeless from 16-19 years old and figured out/built everything myself from scratch. Kind of a never satisfied, hyper-performer, never good enough for myself type. I’ve grown to realize I really don’t care about the money and never flex what I have cause I think all the material house/cars/ money etc. is a stupid rat race honestly. (posting anonymously, I don’t need / want any pats on the back at all)

Super first world problem I suppose, I’m grateful for everything I’ve built but again material stuff is dumb, I’d rather know what peace and relaxing feels like. You couldn’t pay me to swing on a hammock on a beach for a half hour and I wish I could.

submitted by /u/Boring-Community3768
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