What is with the people on this sub trying to use movies as genuine evidence?

2 months ago 40

I’ve come across this so many times it’s not even funny and it has never once been described to me, just evaded. Just to give one example there was a comment thread on this sub a long time ago about simulation theory and a guy said something along the lines of the movie the matrix is clear evidence the elites know that we are in a simulation and are so confident they made the movie just to shove it in our faces. Oh and of course the simpsons episode with a poster of the twin towers was the elites showing us 9/11 before it happened. I just do not understand how these connections are at all logical,or why the fuck the “elites” would even want to hint at shit like this. Is it just Brainrot that makes people think like this?

submitted by /u/ReasonPale1764
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