What is the point of life when you are good in nothing ? No passions, No hobbies

1 month ago 57

Hey guys, I am 19M Indian doing Btech and surrounded by thousands of people in my hostel but still feel lonely,

I realised that I have to find a hobby or a passion here to atleast keep my self driving, but since I was a child I was a very average not good at any particular thing, not into academics, neither in sports nor i am very brilliant in gaming or anything like that.

When I see a guy failing his college exam but he has got one or other things which he does best, I can't find anything like that in myself.

My family isn't very rich either that I just sit and watch my life passes by and earn nothing.

That's why I concluded myself that my life is quite worthless.

submitted by /u/alastor_moody07
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