What exactly are we being distracted from?

2 months ago 32

Ok so I’m probably going to get torn a new one but theirs something questions I wanted to ask fellow conspiracy theorists that I just have trouble grasping . The first one is, every time something happens minor or not in the world I see loads of posts on social media or even comment sections on viral post saying “ this is just a distraction from what’s really going on” what exactly are we being distracted from? I believe in many conspiracies but now in days it seems like if anything happens at all everyone is yelling conspiracy. Another thing & ima give an example.

I don’t know too much about flat earth etc. but that conspiracy just doesn’t make sense to me. Why would they lie and make us believe something else? If the earth was really flat why would they keep that from us? I haven’t heard of any real theories on why they would keep that from us. Am I missing something here?

submitted by /u/jiggygoblin
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