What do you do with the anger and frustration of being stuck?

3 months ago 41

Exactly what the title asks.

Searching the web brought some suggestions but they weren't very helpful. Like "lowering your expectations" which are pretty well lowered to the point of simply expecting what most of everyone else has. The crap they take for granted and don't even think about and just accept as part of normal every day life as they complain about the rest they don't have. I don't think thats too high an expectation. To drop my expectations even lower would be to be ok being strung up in a park while people hit me with baseball bats. I do most of the other stuff like meditate and whatnot already. I already get out in nature and go for walks where the concrete don't exist.

So, what else? Bc rn my mentality is that the whole of society is my enemy. No one person bears the full weight of fault but collectively through their beliefs, ideals, and standards... what they support, what they ignore, what they refuse to take action against... all compiles into the direct result of my life sucking. One cannot go on like this.

No "boomer" crap... Came here for suggestions not for the blame game. One mention of bootstraps or anything.... ugh. Whole society would have a man believe he is responsible for the whole of the quality of life of the entire fkn nation. So stupid. Manipulative crap, simplification of complex issues to gain the upper hand in what they view as an argument. I don't hear that junk.

submitted by /u/FriendshipOk1263
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