I’m 34, and my girlfriend is 29. We’ve been together for 4 years, and she’s amazing. However, every now and then, she brings up our living arrangements.
We don’t live together yet, but I do want that. I want the whole dream: living together, getting married, buying a place, having kids—building a life together. The challenge is that I moved back home 3 years ago because I own a business and started another one. I won’t sugarcoat it—running a business is relentless. It’s hard work, and it never stops.
I’m doing this because I want to create a life I couldn’t provide on a teacher’s salary. I know I work a lot, and I’m giving it everything I have so I can eventually buy a home, raise a family, and build something secure. I feel like I’m close to making that happen.
But lately, I’ve heard her talking about leaving me. Whether it’s through conversations with friends or other hints, it seems she’s unhappy with where things are.
So, I’m stuck. Do I let her go so she can find happiness elsewhere? Is that the right thing to do?
I want to fight for her—because she means so much to me—but I also wonder: what’s the point if my best isn’t enough?
I’d really appreciate any advice.
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