I have just started going to the gym.
I struggled academically, and was really worried about getting a job. Therefore, I spent 5 years trying to improve my grades and focus on extra curricular activities etc. I still ended up with average/ below average grades (BBC grades at A Level in Mathematics, Economics and History, 2:1 LLB and Distinction on the DPLP). I work as a trainee solicitor in Scotland and earn approx £30k (it was really difficult for me to secure this job).
I am really worried I wasted a lot of my twenties. I am having driving lessons, I do not have savings but I am getting better at saving money. I unnecessarily spent a lot of money on a workout guru who I am not even following the diet plan properly.
I am trying to develop hobbies but I feel very exhausted from my 9-5 which stretches till 6pm. Then gym, then the commute home, then cooking showering etc.
I know I shouldn’t be on social media but I get very exhausted/ bored whilst doing household chores so I go on my phone and Omegle in between errands which wastes time. I have started to eat healthy, I eat protein eggs, and I have cut out sugar. Before I ate a lot of biscuits crisps etc.
Hopefully I will start saving/investing in two months.
I hope I’m doing fine, and I’m not too behind everyone else. I really don’t want to waste my twenties.
What do you think I should be doing differently. I already regret a lot, and feel upset that I am not sticking 100% to the diet plan of my guru, and not working out everyday, but sometimes I need to travel for work etc. But I do work out 3-4 times a week now.
Edit: I am not doing well in my job at the moment performance wise. Eg. I have missed meetings, handed in sloppy work, I may be out of a job once my training contract finishes but I have a year and a half to improve my performance.
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