What credence do you give "human hunting" claims?

3 months ago 39

I first read about the concept of hunting humans years ago, and lately I'm seeing a big resurgence of the topic. More specifically, I'm talking about the sadistic/satanic sport of releasing enslaved children or adults into a forest and either hunting them down or forcing them to hunt each other. Often it's claimed that it happens naked with only shoes on.

This is one of those things I feel very conflicted about the veracity of. The concept as absolutely horrifying and somehow I can't help feeling it could be true, considering how much human trafficking there is and the fact that we know at least some elite predators will go to great length to set up their fantasies.

On the other hand I also feel like some people who share these stories are doing so because it's the most sensational concept you could imagine and it ellicits a strong reaction out of people.

So I'm curious where all of you are at in believing this or not. What conclusion have you come to? Have you ever known someone who claims to have seen this?

submitted by /u/Benana94
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