What could I do to change myself?

1 week ago 19

What is it that I’m not doing or am doing wrong?

I currently live with my father and stepmother in their home. It’s a small one floor house with no garage but a big dog in the backyard. They’re letting me sleep in their room. I appreciate all that they’ve been doing for me. I’m thankful and I don’t take it for granted.

But I don’t I can handle it anymore, I’m done I want out. There’s no space or privacy here, they’re so invasive. On what I eat, when I shower, where I go, etc.. my father will literally call me back to back during some of my walks. If I don’t walk back home before dark in his words. Timing me, asking me where exactly I went, what took me so long, was the cashier a girl or a guy. My stepmother asking me if I was really at the pharmacy the whole time.

It’s so dysfunctional here, arguing, dollar tree products, roaches, dog doing its business next to the plastic wrapped bed I sleep on, stuff getting moved around.

Which yes I was, but not the entire time. I also stopped at the coffee shop to get a small coffee since I can’t seem to drink or bring none at home. She feeds me when I come home from work like a little child. I feel like I’m not given the option to do much with the food. Like go to the store, pick out the food, what I’m in the mood for, how much or when I want to eat etc..

During some of my walks after work even in my days off I stop at some restaurants to eat something else. Pizza, sushi, veggie wraps, smoothies from the gym. So I would t be hungry when I get home and don’t expect to be fed. I don’t know exactly how to tell her that I’ve been eating out. I quite literally asked for a ride to get groceries. I thought maybe she’d step back when she saw that I got food for myself to eat at home. The very next day after work she made me this soggy vegetable soup. She makes the same very few meals that aren’t too good.

I can’t bring food home otherwise I’m expected to share. I’ll be questioned if I’ll be eating in front of them, if I brought some for them to eat, etc.. they examine what I eat, like how much it costs, the food, portion size. I can’t even get into the kitchen. My stepmother has it decorated and organized a certain way. The fridge is too small. They don’t really like it when I’m in the kitchen or when they’re in the kitchen and others come in the kitchen.

Aside from quick stops at the pharmacy, close by stores for a snack. I walk to nearby parks, cafes, hang out in the gym lounge area, ice cream shops etc.. more so the lounge smoothie bar area the actual gym area of the gym just to get away from home. It’s currently my day off and I’m considering walking someplace idk where, instead of sitting around bored at home.

I’ve been having a hard time making doctors appointments. My bio mother apparently didn’t put me on her vision insurance so I can’t exactly go see a optometrist. The dentistry near by says her dental insurance is expired to which she claims it’s not.

I’ve also been having a hard time scheduling for more driving hours. There’s a driving instructor In the city. I didn’t particularly like his teaching methods. But he offered flexible scheduling and could pick me up from home. There’s other driving schools out in the suburbs. But they only seem to get Saturday availability and I work on Saturdays. Also, they don’t exactly pick up if you live outside of the county

I literally walked down the street to the studio complex asking for an application. They dismissed me.

My father won’t leave me alone, he continues to treat like a child. Checking in on me during the middle of the night. Insisting that my stepmother give me car rides to work. It doesn’t matter how many times I say I’m ok, I’m fine, not hungry, I’m full. He doesn’t stop, he continues to coddle me. It seems they’re both not helping me to move on and move out. They both I want my own car, my own place, that I’d like to work a different higher paying job etc.. (Midwest 23f)

submitted by /u/applepineapple1
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