What are your goals and dreams?

1 month ago 26

As a 14 year old freshman in high school, I’m already having the college pathway shoved down my throat. Not saying I don’t want to go to college, it’s just that it’s not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the future. I’ve wanted to work since I was 11 and since I’m gonna be 16 in less than a year and a half, I’m crazy excited to get my first job. I like being independent and I like working for the things I want. Making my own money is something I’m really excited about. For the future, I think a lot about having my own apartment with a car, a good job and a partner to come home to. It’s pretty basic and I know since I’m young, it may sound a little pathetic. But I use the internet to hear stories from people of all age groups. So tell me about your dreams.

submitted by /u/Original-Security480
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