we are not people

1 month ago 26

I think everyone is getting to a point of entitlement where they start blocking out human things in favor of people things. like coughing and burping and farting were the first to go with the introduction of table manners. now for some reason I'm rude for pointing out flaws that exist because of humans? like maybe your tazer for self protection won't work against someone wearing thick clothes. the want to take away social media is the same reason the unabomber went after the post office. maybe I'm tripping, but I can't seem to understand people's ability to feel safe all of the time in a system that crushes their dreams or makes it so stressful by draining you of all value you hold to yourself by capitalizing it and bettering lives of those who might not deserve it. any thoughts or immediate criticisms?

submitted by /u/ESC_KEYZ
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