vast web of deception | a spiral of cover-ups so deep that the truth can never come to light, because the consequences would be uncontrollable

11 hours ago 21
vast web of deception | a spiral of cover-ups so deep that the truth can never come to light, because the consequences would be uncontrollable

web of deception - The U.S. government has maneuvered itself into a position where it can no longer simply say: "Yes, we have secrets about Area 51, about Roswell, about JFK’s assassination—and yes, there’s more to it than we ever admitted." Because if people realize they’ve been deceived for decades, trust in the entire system collapses.

Instead, every revelation must be covered by another layer of deception. The lie cannot stop—it must evolve. And with each new generation of secrets, the construct becomes even more impenetrable.

And for what? Power. Control. Money.

Maybe the truth itself isn’t what’s dangerous—but rather what it reveals about those who suppress it.

submitted by /u/Obvious_Factor7103
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