US Deep State, soon to cause catostrophic event inside the US that will kill millions at some point within the next 7 weeks.

3 months ago 43

If anyone drops a nuclear bomb on the American people, it will be the extremely corrupt US government's shadow government/deep state. They will blame Russia. They know that their only move is to kill a large number of us and create nothing but total chaos for those who survive. Otherwise there are a lot of them going to jail. They are beyond desparate now. That is why they are pretending to be going along with a "peaceful transition of power". That is also why FEMA is all over the place talking about how to survive a nuclear bomb - for the purposes of plausible deniability. They are hyping up the notion that Russia is going to drop a bomb on US citizens, so that they can blame Russia when they do it. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

submitted by /u/Standard-Ad9433
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