(Heads up, this will be a long one)
I would like to preface this by saying that I have thought a lot about societal pressures created by different factors. Be it social media, Hollywood or unfavorable social circles. So I've reflected on my own views and would like to share them, in hopes that they might resonate with some people.
Now, there are many unrealistic expectations set for men and women, and they can get equally bothersome. The most common examples would be women "having" to wear makeup and always presenting themselves a certain way. Or how a lot of guys feel the need to look all buff, like men in certain movies, or all over social media. I'd like to share my input on both of those cases.
Personally I think makeup can be great, I'm not discouraging that. Though it's always better in moderation; It should complement your looks, not completely overshadow your natural face.
The same goes for men, in different aspects though. Sure you can look at guys or movie stars and how buff and chiseled they look. You can even get inspired and start training.
But ask yourself; How many of them simply have good genes? How much do the lighting and angles highlight the contours? That goes for men and women btw.
Am I saying that you shouldn't take care of your appearance anymore? Absolutely not. But it's important to stop comparing yourselves.
Those people online have, like I mentioned earlier, good lighting, probably tidied themselves up for 2 hours prior to sitting in front of the camera. Frankly, the internet and the everyday world can vastly differ.
In essence there is nothing wrong with holding yourself to certain standards, looks-wise. But don't let it lead to self-deprecating behavior.
The goal should be to love yourself first and foremost and do what you feel is right. Whether that be a certain way to apply makeup, or a personalized work-out routine.
I know this was quite a text, but I just really felt like sharing my thoughts. I'd love to hear your views on this, if you feel comfortable sharing, that is. Anyway, thank you if you've read this far!
Note: If you do any of these things yourself, for yourself, without hinging it on what others think, then by all means; more power to you!
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