trying to get out

3 months ago 43

hey, i have kinda wierd situation here, i'm 17, i ended school this year and got to college (i live and study abroad). I'm also a musician and i know that is what i want to do in life, i toured the europe, did a few recordings as a producer, i worked as an audio engeneer at local venue for a year, did a loads of own records for my band. I have a constant fight with my parents about it, they don't belive in my musical future, they want me to study at my boring college here (i study torist and recriational stuff here), but the thing is that i don't realy feel like studying here, everytime i go college i don't feel right i don't feel that i belong here, i don't realy like subjects, classmates, city i live in. But what i have and really like that - is my band, my real friends with them i have a band, i have something in commone, i feel free with them, i feel free being a toring musician and doing my thing, i don't say that i don't want to study, i just dont't feel right here. Next year i'm going to be 18, and for a while i've been thinkin about moving somewhere else with my bandmate together so we can spend more time working on our music, obviously my parents aggnst it, i tryde to explain all my feelings to them but they just don't hear me, ( and ohh somethimes i catch my self thinking like a fucking typical teen), parents say that i need that first education even if i don't like it or don't feel that i need it, i see it more in a way that i'm just loosing time that i could spend on things that really matter for me. For some people it seems ok to got year or two off after school just to find themselfs try to find whatever they like, but for my parrents thats not a thing. I want to study something i love, like music, film making or anything connected with art. And now i'm just feel stuck here cuz i don't want to disappoint them or make them hate me by dropping out of colegge next summer, cuz i feel if i will do that they will hate me. And at the same time i don't feel good wasting time here. I know that moving to another county will be hard to me and my friend, but as i think about us doing it and us doing music, i feel like it worth it to move there, get year or to to study the language toure at the same time, and then study something that i realy like.

OK sorry guys (it's early morning here) and it might all seem like some tennage bullshit, but it's my life now, thanks

submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Ad561
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