Truth behind the drones…

2 months ago 25

The truth behind the drones, the hundreds of birds acting strange, the flickering lights, the statement from CEO John Ferguson, the people experiencing weird physiological symptoms who coincidentally saw the drones, and the fact that they won’t help hurricane Helene victims points to one thing.

The New Madrid fault line is going to rip.

The drones are “smelling” for methane release, the methane is poisoning the birds and the humans in the area.

Methane and other gases release from deep in the earth when tectonic plates shift.

Electromagnetic activity also occurs around the time earthquakes or plate adjustments happen, causing flickering of the lights due to either surges, shorts, or both.

The government won’t help the victims of Helene because they’re about to be victims again, along with millions of others on the east coast.

You won’t hear about it from the news because who’s gonna stick around to pay their mortgages and work their slave jobs? Where will those people flee to? Who will feed them?

The government has already shown through the COVID pandemic they don’t care who dies, the elites have spoken about thinning the herd, what a great way for nature to take its course.

The everyday man stays unaware - no panic, and the money just keeps rolling in to be laundered.

Edit to add: Since comments so far are focused on the New Madrid fault alone, look at the location of the Ramapo fault, intersects with the base of the New Madrid fault but heads off up the East Coast fault line to Jersey.

When one plate moves, other plates must move to adjust with it. This effect will cause both fault lines to tear.

submitted by /u/altUniverse_exe
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