Trump, Bush, Clinton, Cheney, Obama… all in it together

11 hours ago 8

Just throwing this out there.

All of this shit we’re seeing in the US and the world over the last 20+ years is all planned. Stay w me here.

The US is a Corporatocracy - completely bought and paid for.

  1. The current fiscal crisis that the US is in with government overspending was a manufactured event in order to give government more access and control akin to the patriot act after 9-11 (more to come).

  2. Ukraine was a forced proxy war designed to weaken Russia so that Europe can eventually control Putin. Zelensky was installed in order to let this happen.

The US and its allies had lots of aging hardware they needed to get rid of and Ukraine was a perfect place to do this.

Russia has been weakened and shown to be a bit of a paper tiger. Sweden and Finland are now NATO members as a result and provide hegemony in the arctic.

Europe needs to rearm w artillery and modern weapons platforms (this will tie in later).

  1. It’s all about China. W Europe tying up Russia, the US can focus on China, but the US needs money, it needs manpower, it needs materials and cheap labour for manufacturing. How?

The Bush, Clinton, Cheney, Obama, Trump cabal create the government overspending crisis.

They allow illegal immigration.

They look to Canada and Ukraine for materials.

They look to Mexico for cheaper manufacturing labour costs.

Trump is the useful mouthpiece for all of this. He’s a sociopath who doesn’t care what people think of him and he will say/do whatever he needs to in order to move the needle to allow the US bottle up China.

a. The fiscal overspending in the US was created to allow for the current DOGE process to take place. More oversight and invasiveness into everyday American’s lives just like the patriot act. A vast majority are in favour of this because it makes ‘sense’.

The savings are diverted back into strategic spending in defence, technology, space and etc. using China as the new adversary in place of Russia.

Europe must rearm as well to stay ahead of Russia (US, France, UK, German arms manufacturers go into overdrive). Cash registers ring.

This lines the pockets of Musk, Besos, Blackwater and everyone associated with them - the Cabal, senators and congresspeople who are on board.

b. US military recruitment is down. After the criminal element is deported. The US government will offer a pathway to citizenship for illegals. This will be offered through military service - a brand new army is spun up quickly.

c. The Ukraine war is ended w conditions for rare materials access from Ukraine.

The tariffs against Canada and Mexico are designed to weaken these economies eventually leading to an olive branch in the form of greater integration w the US, a common currency, lower interest rates & taxes, military integration etc.

Sovereignty is maintained but now there is fortress North America to further hedge China and its interests. Chinese immigration slows to almost nothing. Chinese business leaves N America.

Canada has material wealth and oil reserves. Mexico has a cheap labour force to shift manufacturing from China.

Europe shifts Natural Gas and oil purchases away from Russia to N America and friendly Saudis.

d. US further pressures South American countries Brazil, Argentina etc to join American trade/military alliance.

Trump is the perfect companion for this. He’s a patriot sociopath who is a willing bullhorn to distract and create confusion.

The corporate media will continue to play ball in the US keeping everyone enraged enough to stay focused on distractions like trans rights, gun control, the environment etc.

Meanwhile civil liberties will erode more, the military industrial complex will keep chugging along and we’ll all clutch our pearls over the fighting in Taiwan or the Philippines or India Pakistan.

I’ll remove my tinfoil hat now. Please jump in.

submitted by /u/Mundane-Yesterday493
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