Trouble trying to live the present

2 months ago 188

Okay, I'm not entirely sure that what I'm about to explain belongs in this subreddit, so if you know a better one, plese, tell me.

To give you a bit of background: I'm 26, I live in Spain, and I lived with social anxiety during all my adolescence until I was 22 or so. Thanks to a great therapist, I was able to get the tools to overcome it. Fast forward to November 2023, I broke up with my (very)long-distance first boyfriend, which was a turning point in my life. I overcame that, too, and found who are now my first, true friends since I was a child. I've had a great 2024, going out, having lots of first experiences and growing as a person. I feel quite grateful for these people I found in my life.

The thing is, whenever I'm with my friends, time goes by extremely fast, which I'm a bit worried about. I try to stay in the present, but it feels as if I weren't present enough, and whenever a moment goes by, I'm already missing it while I (try to) enjoy the present one. What I'm trying to explain is that these moments with my friends, as precious as they are, feel as if I were holding sand in my hands but it would just fall through my fingers. Do you think that, maybe due to the lack of social experience in my life, I still need to learn how to cope with a problem like this one?

I really hope someone is able to understand what I mean, because I'm not sure why I feel like this. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Drakyem
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