Trivia Question:???? Who was the Comptroller of the Pentagon on September 11 2001? What country was he dual citizens with? And what was his side job? What company had he been C.E.O of ( hint; his side job company makes what was on those commercial jets).

2 months ago 32

Posting to help people understand the take over of the U.S. government was a long time in planning and executing... Beginning after they shot our President Kennedy the 1940 Nationality Act section 401 (C) to keep loyalty to only the U.S. there is not allowed any dual citizenship for government positions. Known Zionist Supreme Court Judge Abe Fortess appointed by LBJ allowed only one country to break that important National Security Code. then he had to resign or be impeached for corruption with LBJ. That started the infiltration of Isreali dual citizenship into all the U.S. Government positions. Fast foward to 9/11/01 and you will find that most ALL top positions were/ are.dual citizenship with Israel. Including the Comptroller of the Pentagon who was being investigated for losing 2.3 trillion national defense tax dollars as Donald Rumsfeld announced on TV on 9/10/01 . The next day the office bombed at the Pentagon was the very office investigating him.

submitted by /u/cheriaspen
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