Traditional jobs are traps set by The Matrix to keep us in check

1 month ago 48

For a long time i thought my 9-to-5 job meant I was secure. Steady paycheck, health benefits, some semblance of routine, it all felt like stability, doesn't it?

But recently had one of those panic moments where I really thought about the situation I was in. It was a bad moment to be honest.

Here’s what i realized so far:

- If my paycheck was delayed, I’d be scrambling to pay bills. That’s not security, that’s living paycheck to paycheck.

- My boss, not me, was deciding what my time was worth. I could work harder or smarter, but in the end, someone else was capping my potential.

- I was completely replaceable. All it would take was a corporate “restructuring,” a bad quarter, or even a disagreement, and I’d be out of a job.

That realization shook me. For years, I’d been clinging to this idea that my job would protect me, but in reality, it was a fragile safety net, and one i didn’t control.

I knew I couldn’t just quit and walk away. I wanted to do that so bad.. but I didn’t have a trust fund, no one was going to save me, and the bills weren’t going to stop. So, I started doing research and taking small steps to create real security. Here’s what helped:

  1. Understanding where my money was going. The first thing I did was track every dollar I spent. It was the first eye-opening step. I found subscriptions I wasn’t using, expenses that added up, and plenty of areas I could cut back. That extra cash became my "break out of the Matrix fund."

  2. Learning skills that make money. I realized that my time is only valuable if I know how to make it valuable. So I started learning skills that businesses actually need - like copywriting, digital marketing, and automation. You don’t need a degree for this stuff, just time and effort. Internet is full of free and paid courses.

3.Starting a side hustle. This was a game-changer. I didn’t jump into anything risky or expensive. I just started small - freelancing - doing some scripts, video edits, photo edits etc, and building streams of income outside my job. It didn’t happen overnight, but over time, it gave me breathing room.

4.Rewiring how I think about work. I had to let go of the idea that hard work at my job would one day “pay off.” Instead, I focused on building something for myself - something that didn’t depend on an employer deciding my fate.

One of the most pivotal steps for me was finding an online community entirely focused on two things: making money and developing the right mindset. Being surrounded by people who were actively breaking free from the same system I wanted to escape was eye-opening. Instead of spending time daily with the same people that are stuck in The Matrix, I had a new group of people opposite to that. They dragged me after themselves. They shared actionable advice, offered support, and showed me what was possible when you commit to building something outside of the traditional system. That sense of community and shared purpose was invaluable, it kept me motivated and on track.

It’s not like I woke up one day with it all figured out. It's not like I already finished figuring it out. I am still in this process, but looking back from where I started there is a lot of progress that in the end will help me break free from the Matrix.

If you’re feeling stuck or even just curious about how to start making small changes, DM me. I’m happy to share what worked for me. I am happy to help everyone that I can :)

submitted by /u/rauly2k
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