Tired of being the “alwyas there” friend.

1 week ago 19

I’m feeling super super down. I hung out with a friendship group with 4 girls (including me). One has recently moved away and it’s me and the other two left in the city. Everything was great and we did lots of things together. Then all of a sudden one of the girls, girl A, started dating a guy (who wanted a friends with benefits but not a relationship. Another girl in the group, girl B also liked him so she told girl A and also the guy not to date each other.

Girl A has been really weird with me recently. She told me good news that she is moving from the city for a new job, and Girl C is also moving to another country to live with her boyfriend. So I told them my good news, I’m moving city to move in with my boyfriend and have a new job.

We met recently and the entire time girl A was bitching about girl B, expecting myself and C to join in. Girl C joined in but i didn’t want to, the argued over this guy but girl C hasn’t done anything to me personally so i tried to stay out of it. Girl As body language said it all. Facing girl B, trying to exclude me from the conversations completely and even said “I’m having a leaving party and going to ask all my important people from this city so obviously GIRL C you have to come!” But ignored me and didn’t ask me. She has since mentioned again that she is busy on this day because of her leaving party but has not invited me and made it obvious. At the end of the evening she paid the bill and I owed her money. I sent her a text to say I owe her money and she was then laughing out loud, taking the mic out of me saying “oh my god look at this girl, look at her” as though it was wrong to want to pay someone back. I sent her a text and put the money under her door (we live close) and she didn’t say thanks or that she received it, just ignored me, but when girl C sent a group chat message she replied instantly.

I detect this behavior is her jealously ? Maybe that I have a new job and a boyfriend to move in with and I was at his place often for the interviews. Or that I didn’t bitch about girl B. Girl C is moving country and im going to be just 1 hour from girl A. We could have met up still but now her behaviour is making me wary.

I also lent her a piece of my furniture and she said she would give it back when she moves out. I asked once for it back and she said no it’s too early and now I’m worried if she’s not even replying I won’t get my deposit back when I move. I am tired of her recent behaviour since I was the always there friend. There when she was bored, had nobody else, when she needed 10 pounds spare, when she needed to borrow my hairdryer. Now all of a sudden I’m not good enough.

submitted by /u/Necessary-Object6702
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