I tend to complain about everything in life. If someone cuts me off in traffic I’m pissed for 30 min about it, if I have a stressful day at work it ruins my mood the whole night, if things aren’t going according to plan in any way I being a raging asshole. Worst part of all this is that I shouldn’t be complaining for the life I have. I have two beautiful children, a good women by my side, I drive a nice truck, I have a job and live in a nice apartment. I just don’t know how to break this cycle of complaining cus the only thing that makes me feel remotely better is knowing someone else out there has it so much worse than me but that doesn’t feel good to have that be the thing that makes me stop stressing temporarily. Anyone who use to be a huge complainer but learned to stop and appreciate things more, how did you do it?
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