This was our argument

1 month ago 42

Yesterday my boyfriend 26 male, me 27f and little sister 18 were shopping in Walmart. He was smoking his vape Thc, and was acting in my eyes extremely goofy which was irritating me. He was hitting us with those squish pillows and even threw one that a little old worker ended up picking up. I told him he was being annoying but kind of kept up his antics. I did end up hitting him with one of the pillows after he did too me. Fast forward to this morning and I asked him not to smoke today, he immediately is sad and I can sense irritation. It turned into a lowekey argument where he doesn’t think it was a big deal and that when we’ve gone into Walmart previously I have hit him with those too. Which I have. I dislike how me telling him that I didn’t like his behavior yesterday his reply is that I do it too so why should it be a problem. Feels like when I have an issue with something he reverts back to past experiences and says well so and so does it or you do it but I feel like he’s missing the point.

submitted by /u/OppositeConnection74
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