This man is 31. Jay-Z is 55. Jay-Z was 24 when he impregnated a 16 year old. Jay-Z is also facing a civil suit for allegedly raping a 13 year old. Jay-Z also flew Rihanna into the country from Barbados at the age of 14/15 and signed her onto his ROC Nation record label at 3 am in the morning.

3 months ago 39
This man is 31. Jay-Z is 55. Jay-Z was 24 when he impregnated a 16 year old. Jay-Z is also facing a civil suit for allegedly raping a 13 year old. Jay-Z also flew Rihanna into the country from Barbados at the age of 14/15 and signed her onto his ROC Nation record label at 3 am in the morning.


Jay-z had a sexual relationship with Rihanna when she was minor.Jay-Z gave Rihanna herpes which she then passed onto Chris Brown. The blowout Chris Brown had where assaulted Rihanna happened after Chris Brown was having his first Herpes outbreak. He went to Clive Davis' house to confront her and found her sucking dick. He then stormed off and she followed after him and got into the car with him. He was speeding as she was hitting him. They may have both ended up dead but he hit her back to subdue her.

Jay-z completely ruined Chris Brown's reputation because he couldn't afford to have the truth come out that he was screwing Rihanna as a minor and gave her herpes which she then to gave to Chris Brown and that is what Chris Brown was so upset about that night.

Source: Jaguar Wright

I'll be doing deeper dives on Jay-z, Beyonce, Diddy and Clive Davis etc. in my future posts.

submitted by /u/Regular_Witness_7014
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