This is why young people "are lazy and do nothing"

3 months ago 47

Coming from a 24 year old. It's not just my opinion, everyone I know at my age is feeling the same way.

1.moeny We are not lazy, we can do anything we want. But it won't get us anywhere. We can work our asses off but we won't even get close to earn as much money as some people inherit. As long as your parents don't have literally millions of dollars, you probably are never going to be wealthy. And the worst part is: you need to be wealthy to have a "normal life". A child costs around 600,000 dollars on average, more like 1M if they have a good life. A house you would want to live in, in a good location is another 1M. Fuck that, almost noone will earn that without fucking their whole life over with 24/7 jobs. 50 years ago one plumber could afford do feed his wife and 4 kids, buy a house and a big car with his salary. And these people are mad at us for not doing the same!? We CAN'T! Oh and what's up with education? You're going 100s of thousands of dollars into debt and then you don't get a job in your field. Even if you do, it's "such a competitive field" that you don't earn any more than if you just didn't study and just started working.

2.power Old people dominate every aspect of life. Look at members of company boards, CEOs and politics. How fucked up is that Harris was branded as a young whippersnapper in the election when she is 60 years old!? Look at supreme Court justices, they kick the bucket after 15 years. Old people always ask why we don't make our way into leading positions but THEY DONT LET US.

3.respect This might be why they don't want to give us any power. Noone takes you seriously when you're under 30. We don't need advice on what we are doing when we're not asking for it and no mom I haven't grown since my last visit. I seriously heard my coworker not getting a promotion because he's "too young, yes your work is great, but you don't have life experience"

4.hope We don't have hope. For what? Even if we make enough money to live somewhere AND eat... The world seems to fall apart a bit more every day. Somehow collectively we are electing fascists, screwing ourselves over on Facebook and tiktok, fucking up our planet (no we don't give a shit if some insects live or die but if they are extinct, everything goes to hell), on and pandemics are supposed to get more frequent as virologists saw how poorly we reacted to our fist one.


And now we are supposed to fight? You? For what? For eventually breaking our backs to get in control over everything you have ruined.

In conclusion, no we are not lazy but even if we jump through all the hoops you put there, on purpose or on accident... What good is it?

submitted by /u/throwRA-3_1415
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