This is the cursor for worldwide rollout of drones of all sizes. It will force legislation and oversight which the large corporations using drones NEED right now. It isn't blue beam or Iran. It's the lettered agencies working together to create a smooth rollout of corporate skynet.

2 months ago 32

Amazon and the rest will be delivering products using drones. Food delivery will be drones. It will be a virtual explosion overnight. And THIS little skit is what they needed to not only get congress to put up guardrails, but ALSO to acclimate the human being to BIG drones in the sky overhead.

Just think it through. If Walmart and Amazon just started flying delivery airships around neighborhoods without a concrete understanding among ALL what is going on and what's protected, there would be huge chaos.

An event like this gets free global coverage, shakes the chicken coup of humans to look up and get with the program. Drones are real and skynet is here.

Now as a result of this, there will be full drone news coverage 247. Then the story will creep towards legislation and FAA-type oversight. This will get full news coverage as well, where they then fold-in the corporate drone usage with the big amazon logo landing on the driveway target with mom picking up her baby formula.

We are DONE. This is the insidious way the blanket us with skynet. Then next will be the facial recognition needed in order to deal with these "beings". Already getting rolled out in airports. You will show your face or palm to enter a robot cab, et al.

This drone skit we're seeing now is the curtain opening. Human officials look up in "bewilderment", "no idea", "hold on hold on", "we need to get a handle on all this", "we had NO idea what the deal was!", "Maybe it was our foreign enemies!!" etc.

It's a form of predictive programming. Get people acclimated to what's coming.

submitted by /u/Joe_LeFlores
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