This apartment sucks. Is there really any reason to pay rent? and if not what would I need to go through?

2 hours ago 4

We moved into this apartment March of last year, it was being put under new management- a lady who said everyone that she worked with "really never did anything right" so she basically fired everyone and hasn't ever been able to refill those roles since. It's $1400/mth plus pest control (the roaches are crazy in this area) which is $45/mth for some reason and we have only ever seen pest control twice- when we moved in and maybe mid July. "Pest control" only comes in, sprays around the kitchen floor then leaves.

Our water pressure is terrible and it's been around October since the shower hasn't worked correctly due to a kid of ours pulling the shower pin thing out the faucet- I said I'd pay them back for the supplies if they just fix it, "they" being her and the one maintenance guy she has hired that lives here- it has not been fixed and the shower head just basically pours water when that thing isn't pulled up and it can't be rn. The faucet itself has been leaking since around the fifth month of living here, we've put in for it countless times and still nothing and it is hot water that constantly runs out of that so our electric bill has skyrocketed and is almost 500 a month because of it.

Our shower drain doesn't even really drain, i've tried everything from a snake to drain-o, the plunger works sometimes so i'm not really worried about that too much it's not bothersome yet. Recently the toilet has been broken, it doesn't flush but the water keeps running almost as if it's circling from the bowl to the tank idk how it works and there's air coming from somewhere in the toilet that's super cold so not only is the seat cold as fuuk the floor around the toilet is wet from the condensation on the toilet itself bc it's cold and the bathroom is hot as fk from the broken faucet constantly running hot water- i've put that in too, countless times but they actually responded and said they would fix it within the end of the week.... that was a month ago lol.

I'm just wondering how to go about not paying rent and pest control bc of these things? Also is there a way to get money back from paying too much on electric due to our water running bc they won't fix that??

submitted by /u/WetSockk00
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